Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss

Grief and loss are among the most difficult experiences we go through in life. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a deeply held dream, grief can leave us feeling empty, overwhelmed, and uncertain about how to move forward. While everyone’s journey through grief is different, the pain of loss is something we all experience in our own way. If you are grieving, I want you to know that it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling right now. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, and the emotions that come with loss are often complex and deeply personal.

In my practice, I work with individuals who are navigating the deep emotional pain that accompanies grief and loss. My approach is to provide a compassionate and non-judgmental space where you can express your feelings openly and process the intense emotions that arise. Grief is not something that can be rushed, and together we’ll explore your emotions at a pace that feels right for you, helping you find a path toward healing.

One of the first things I often remind my clients is that grief is not linear. It’s not a process you can “get over” or “move on from” in a set amount of time. Grief comes in waves—sometimes you may feel as though you’re coping well, and then, out of nowhere, the pain resurfaces. This is normal. In therapy, we’ll work on understanding these waves of grief and finding ways to navigate them with more ease and acceptance.

Grief can manifest in a range of emotions—sadness, anger, confusion, guilt, even numbness. You may feel lost, unable to imagine life without the person or thing you’ve lost. You may question your sense of purpose or struggle to make sense of the world around you. These feelings are part of the grieving process, and I’m here to help you process them without feeling pressured to “move on” before you’re ready. Together, we can explore the complexity of your emotions, so you can begin to make sense of your experience and find a way to integrate the loss into your life.

Another important aspect of grief that we’ll address is the physical toll it can take. Grief is not just an emotional experience; it affects your body too. You may find yourself exhausted, unable to sleep, or struggling with headaches, tension, or other physical symptoms. In therapy, I’ll help you develop self-care strategies that honor both your emotional and physical needs, whether that involves relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or simply creating space for rest and recovery.

Grief can also be incredibly isolating. You may feel as though no one truly understands what you’re going through, or that your loss isn’t fully recognized or validated by others. This can be especially true if the loss you’ve experienced is more intangible, like the loss of a job, a dream, or a future you had envisioned. Therapy offers a space where your grief is fully acknowledged, without comparison or judgment. Here, your pain is heard, and your loss is validated.

For those grieving the loss of a loved one, therapy can also help you explore ways to keep their memory alive while allowing yourself to continue living. Sometimes, it’s difficult to reconcile the desire to honor someone’s memory with the need to keep moving forward in your life. We’ll work on finding meaningful ways to carry that person with you, even as you begin to rebuild and heal.

If your grief stems from another type of loss—like the end of a relationship, a job, or a major life change—we can work together to redefine your sense of self and purpose. Loss often disrupts our sense of identity, leaving us questioning who we are without the person, role, or dream that once defined us. Therapy can help you rebuild that sense of identity and find new meaning and direction, even in the face of deep sadness.

Ultimately, grief is a deeply personal journey, and there is no timeline for when you should feel “better.” What I offer is a safe, supportive space to process your emotions, honor your loss, and, when you’re ready, find ways to heal. There will be ups and downs, but together, we can work on creating a life that honors your grief while allowing you to move forward with resilience and hope.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by grief and loss, I’m here to walk with you through the pain, to listen, and to help you find ways to cope. You don’t have to go through this alone. Let’s take the first steps together toward healing and finding peace amidst the sadness.